Not only two names that made superstars stunned by the action Martunis patriotism. Series of world football star names such as Louis Figo, Nuno Gomes, and coach Luiz Felipe Scolari and the Football Federation chairman Gilberto Madail, could only shake their fist. While singer Celion Dion proud classmates to meet with Martunis.
Who was Martunis?
When meluluh-bullion Tsunami Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) on December 26, 2004, the figure of the child Martunis tough and responsible for his family. He tried to save himself and his mother and his brother, riding in a vehicle like a pickup truck type. Unfortunately, when his family's rescue efforts, the host vehicle was hit by a large wave and sank with all on board including Martunis which at the time wearing a Portugal national football team.
Wonders of God's favor to Martunis. Martunis appears on the surface of the water and tried to save themselves by reaching for a piece of wood for her to safety. Martunis timber to move to the mattress, mattress love to hold him drown. Martunispun trying to find and climb a tree to preserve her life. He was found safe, after the tsunami after the current began to ebb.
Still, the new Martunis breathe after a 19-day battle in the area found residents Tengku Shia cemetery area on January 15, 2005. Residents gave Martunis to one British electronic media. Within a few minutes, faces and stories circulating in Martunis struggle statisun European television.
Starting from there, a direct Martunis rise in Portugal. One national daily media in Portugal five 24 Hours provides special pages for the little hero's Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Special peeling heroism, and brought the title "A Nova Vida de Martunis" or "new life Martinist".
Several times Martunis invited as guest of honor. Besides heroic spirit, the European public sympathy especially Portugal, because when in the life and death struggle, the uniform Martunis Portugal football team. Martunis reunited with footballer the world like Louis Figo, Nuno Gomes, and his idol, Cristiano Ronaldo.
Not only the gridiron star, a star on the world stage like Celion Dion Madona and provide exceptional sympathy Martunis. Even diva memasuakan world Celion Dion Martunis name in the book 12 Heroes Among Us. In the book Martunis was ordained as one of the heroes of the "humane". "Heroes who do not need superpowers to be a hero. They just need a motivated and not give up ".
Right said Dion, to become a hero, do not have to lift the weapons that drained the State money. Being a hero does not have to berangkatemedanperang. Because true, the hero's devoted and sacrificed themselves to fight for and defend something that is believed a truth.
Martunis just a boy in Banda Aceh was a teenager. But the action he'd done should be an inspiration for adults. And therefore, I became embarrassed, because udah gede segini, not giving something for nothing and the best for everybody.
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