Free Game Download Point Blank is an online game being at this time, almost every shop dare games online at any of them confirm that the spring play point blank, or PB, before you play this PB is a little information about the following points blank from Wikipedia,
Point Blank (also abbreviated PB) is a genre of computer games were played online FPS. The game was developed by Zepetto from South Korea and published by NCSoft. Besides South Korea, this game has their own servers in Thailand, Russia, and Indonesia. In Indonesia, the game is managed by PT. Kreon.
Point Blank online is a FPS type game First Person Shooter, to play this game done by the team. There are two teams that fought the red team (like the army) and blue (like the Police). We went into the room you had to choose one between the two teams.
Senin, 29 November 2010
Point Blank Game Free Download
Kamis, 05 Agustus 2010
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Sabtu, 19 Juni 2010
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Kamis, 25 Maret 2010
U.S. Martial Google Close Decision portal in China
Google's decision on Monday sharply criticized China's spokesperson, but the U.S. State Department, PJCrowley, Tuesday, confirmed that it was purely a business decision the company.
"The issue of freedom of the Internet and the information flow, including the flow of information in China, remains on the agenda of our talks with the China," said Crowley.
January last, the famous giant companies with Internet search engine makes the world business scene because of the threat from China, the world's largest market with 360 million Internet users.
Google also confirmed his attitude to no longer subject to Internet censorship on the part of China's military.
Google's decision came out in the middle of the tension between the Beijing-Washington bilateral due to various problems, such as freedom of the Internet, Yuan exchange rate, economic sanctions against Iran and the U.S. arms sales to Taiwan.
Crowley said, assessing his own businesspeople existing business opportunities in China.
U.S. appreciates its economic relationship with China but Beijing is difficult to deny the implications of Google hengkangnya class companies from finding it increasingly difficult to do business in China, he said.
January, Commerce Ministry Spokesperson of China, Yao Jian, confirmed his government attitude toward foreign companies operating in China.
Beijing, he said, asking for "foreign companies" operating in China to continue to respect the law, the interests of the people, cultures and traditions prevailing in the recipient country and fulfill its social responsibilities.
"China is changing from the traditional planned economy to a socialist market economy.'s Stability and development is our main priority right now," he said.
Rabu, 10 Maret 2010
Exploring the Ocean to the Basis "Google Earth"
In addition, the service features an interactive map of this virtual world also helps those who are interested in the history of World War II with a variety of photo bombing European cities.
"Features historic images that give people a unique perspective on the events of the past by using the latest mapping technology," said Laura Scott of Google Europe as reported AFP.
With the image feature service World War II, citizens of the world can increasingly understand the history of Europe with "new ways" and learn more about the impact of war on the development of cities in Europe, he said.
Included in the new service Google Earth is the photographs of the 35 European cities taken in 1943 and the city state which suffered war Warsaw in 1935 and 1945.
Users of Google Earth also can directly compare the condition of the city during the war with the current conditions.
The pictures were reminiscent of the devastating impact of war on the inhabitants of the city and people great ability to rebuild the shattered the city environment, said Scott.
For Google Earth visitors who enjoyed life under the sea, they are now spoiled with a complete tour of famous Oceanographer narrative "National Geographic", Sylvia Earle.
They are also pampered with a collection of videos about the uniqueness of the landscape and the lives of marine animals, like whales "humpback".
Various photos and video of marine life that donated the photographers, naturalists, government agencies and non-government to the feature "crawl under the ocean" Google Earth, launched a year ago.
Kamis, 11 Februari 2010
More Valentine 3 Applications on the iPhone
1. Be My Valentine (Valentine Match)
This is a game application that is filled with light invasion of hearts (love). The makers - Five Sky - is a free application was developed specifically for Valentine's Day. The goal is to become drug users as well as saturated atmosphere before the day heats H.
2. Love Detector
Want to know how much you love their partners? Use this application to find out. This application measures the level of someone in love with a scale of 1 to 10, the greater the value the more fiery love that person.
Quoted from mmail, Thursday (11/2/2010), this application can also be obtained for free alias free, and intended for the iPod Touch and iPhone.
3. Gabey Goh
Here's another funny application for the iPhone Valentine nuanced. Gabey Goh is an application to create greeting cards (e-card). Indeed dikreasikan cards not all themed Valentine. Can also make cards for various purposes of the 55 designs are available.
It's just to use it is not free. Users must spend U.S. $ 0.99. info google buzz.
So, what kind of applications you want to choose to excite your compassion? No need to always be with your spouse, to parents and families can, too. Thus quoted from Seconds. info twitter and facebook.
Kamis, 04 Februari 2010
The Aceh Martunis Famous In The Portugal National Team

Not only two names that made superstars stunned by the action Martunis patriotism. Series of world football star names such as Louis Figo, Nuno Gomes, and coach Luiz Felipe Scolari and the Football Federation chairman Gilberto Madail, could only shake their fist. While singer Celion Dion proud classmates to meet with Martunis.
Who was Martunis?
When meluluh-bullion Tsunami Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) on December 26, 2004, the figure of the child Martunis tough and responsible for his family. He tried to save himself and his mother and his brother, riding in a vehicle like a pickup truck type. Unfortunately, when his family's rescue efforts, the host vehicle was hit by a large wave and sank with all on board including Martunis which at the time wearing a Portugal national football team.
Wonders of God's favor to Martunis. Martunis appears on the surface of the water and tried to save themselves by reaching for a piece of wood for her to safety. Martunis timber to move to the mattress, mattress love to hold him drown. Martunispun trying to find and climb a tree to preserve her life. He was found safe, after the tsunami after the current began to ebb.
Still, the new Martunis breathe after a 19-day battle in the area found residents Tengku Shia cemetery area on January 15, 2005. Residents gave Martunis to one British electronic media. Within a few minutes, faces and stories circulating in Martunis struggle statisun European television.
Starting from there, a direct Martunis rise in Portugal. One national daily media in Portugal five 24 Hours provides special pages for the little hero's Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Special peeling heroism, and brought the title "A Nova Vida de Martunis" or "new life Martinist".
Several times Martunis invited as guest of honor. Besides heroic spirit, the European public sympathy especially Portugal, because when in the life and death struggle, the uniform Martunis Portugal football team. Martunis reunited with footballer the world like Louis Figo, Nuno Gomes, and his idol, Cristiano Ronaldo.
Not only the gridiron star, a star on the world stage like Celion Dion Madona and provide exceptional sympathy Martunis. Even diva memasuakan world Celion Dion Martunis name in the book 12 Heroes Among Us. In the book Martunis was ordained as one of the heroes of the "humane". "Heroes who do not need superpowers to be a hero. They just need a motivated and not give up ".
Right said Dion, to become a hero, do not have to lift the weapons that drained the State money. Being a hero does not have to berangkatemedanperang. Because true, the hero's devoted and sacrificed themselves to fight for and defend something that is believed a truth.
Martunis just a boy in Banda Aceh was a teenager. But the action he'd done should be an inspiration for adults. And therefore, I became embarrassed, because udah gede segini, not giving something for nothing and the best for everybody.
Jumat, 01 Januari 2010
Firefox 3.6, 3.7 and 4.0 Ensure pitch in 2010

The plan in 2010, Mozilla plans to spend two to three updated versions of Firefox. this version of Firefox 3.6, 3.7 and 4.0.
As reported by Softpedia, Thursday (31/12/2009), Mozilla designed the three by using the code name Lorentz. According to the Mozilla development team members, Benjamin Smedberg, all three are the latest breakthrough that Mozilla, presents new features like the new toolbar menu and user interface more responsive.
According to schedule, Release Candidate (RC) Firefox 3.6 will be released in January 2010 and ending football tejang Firefox 3.5 in the first month. Update version 3.6 will be divided in Firefox 3.6.2 and 3.6.3.
Meanwhile, Firefox 3.7 is expected to be launched in mid 2010, while Firefox 4.0 will be launched end of 2010.
Mozilla as a browser developer now haunt Microsoft's dominance. In fact, recent data reveal StatsCounter, the number of users Firefox 3.5 browser to pass the number of users of Internet Explorer 7.
StatsCounter global express Firefox 3.5 user control 21.9 percent of the market, while IE7 is only 21.2 percent. Meanwhile, two other versions of IE, IE6 and IE8 which mastered each 13.9 and 20.9 per cent. Clear that if Terliht In total number of users of IE6, 7, and 8 are still dominant.
IE, according to StatsCounter United States dominate the market, while Mozilla Firefox is more dominate the European market. In continental Europe, Firefox 3.5 dominates approximately 28.4 percent of the market while IE 8 over 21.6 percent. The Americas is happening is the opposite, in which IE8 over IE7 followed by 25 percent, 21.8 percent and Firefox 3.5 with 21.7 percent market domination.
North Korea's Foreign Currency forbade
Previously, foreign currencies can be accepted in a number of shops, restaurants, and other places in Korea that is often associated with foreigners.
Prohibition decree issued by the state security bureau will begin effective on January 1, 2010. The objective is to prevent the circulation of foreign currency in the communist country.
According to China's state television reported, CCTV, Wednesday evening, December 30, 2009. Meanwhile, according to reports from the media based in South Korea, the Daily NK, the rules already adopted on 28 December.
Decree provides that all citizens and organizations other than banks are not allowed to have foreign currency. The decree contains a prohibition will be installed in workplaces and public facilities.
There are no reports about the ban on North Korean media. But in Seoul, South Korean officials confirmed the ban.
This command is issued several weeks after the North Korean government merevaluasi won currency to prevent inflation and economic control. It also comes amid the increasing threat of sanctions related to nuclear activity in these poor countries.
Bulgarian scientists Confessing 'Chat' with the Alien
Bulgarian scientists Confessing 'Chat' with the Alien - Although the truth of the existence of alien beings still debated, a scientist from Bulgaria is convinced that extraterrestrials exist. He even mentioned has made communication with them.
Professor Lachezar Filipov from the Space Research Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences said, the research team members by asking questions to the aliens.
The communication contacts they do is in the form of images such technology telepathy. Such information is quoted from TG Daily, Thursday (31/12/2009).
Filipov said his team analyzed approximately 150 images that appeared in the circle around the universe to find answers to their questions. The researchers strongly believe these circles contain important information for humanity.
"The circles are the facts reveal the dangers of global warming, the estimated end of 2012 and the threat of asteroid impacts," Filipov said.
So what the meaning of all these signs? Filipov expressed his opinion that the alien creatures that appear to be friendly.
"They're here now, among us. They want to help us. But the problem is not all people can communicate with aliens, "he said.
Unfortunately, Filipov colleagues at the academy in this regard merely boasting. Even so disturbed by the hoax, the academy plans to lay off Filipov.